Local Leadership Matters


Local Candidates

Fayette County Democrats currently control 2 out of 10 elected seats on the County Commission/School Board. As we controlled 49.5% of the vote share in the most recent general election, we feel underrepresented in our current government. A series of lawsuits brought against the County Commission by the Fayette County NAACP did away with our previous system of sole at-large voting. In 2015, this led the way for Fayette County’s first ever person of color to be elected to countywide public office, Pota Coston. Commissioner Coston sadly passed away from cancer during her first year serving. Her seat was filled by Charles Rousseau, who is to this day our only Democratic County Commissioner.

State Congressional Candidates

These candidates write the laws that change your daily lives. You need to vote Democrat for State House and Senate. Republicans banned abortion. Senator Valencia Seay and Representative Debra Bazemore voted to not ban abortion. Every candidate on this list not only supports a woman’s right to choose, they support expanding health care access to underserved communities so Georgia can decrease its abysmal maternal and infant mortality rates. 60% of Georgia’s maternal deaths are preventable. Georgia Democrats want to help women. Vote them in and let them try.

US Congress

These candidates will represent you on Capitol Hill come January. Senator Raphael Warnock is in one of the tightest races in the country in an election that could very well result in Republican control of Congress and a 2023 national abortion ban.

Statewide Candidates

These candidates are on every ballot in the State of Georgia. Your State government has been under complete Republican control for over a dozen years. Abortion is now illegal. Our health care is not available for the less fortunate. Our minimum wage is 1/3 of what it should be. Georgia needs a change.

Flip Fayette Blue

Fayette County has grown so Democratic over the last 15 years that it now sits a coinflip. We have a chance to flip BLUE for the first time since the era of Dixiecrats, this time as a party working to protect the rights of everybody. There’s only one group left in local politics that governs in reality, and it’s not them.

Fayette County – 2000 Election
Gore 28.06%
Bush 69.11%
Fayette County – 2020 Election
Biden 45.9%
Trump 52.7%
Finish the job!

Who we are

The Fayette County Democrats are a county committee within the body of the Democratic Party of Georgia. We are committed to the engagement of voters in Fayette County – from registration drives to Get Out the Vote efforts to voter participation outreach, we’re the body responsible for electing Democrats in our little slice of Georgia.

Our mission is to help our communities through the ballot box on areas important to our collective voice – education, transportation, healthcare, racial injustices, and economic power. We also provide an entrance for individual members to connect with Democratic activists and candidates.

Meet Your Local Democrats

Join us every month for a pancake breakfast and party strategy meeting at IHOP. See candidates, party leaders, and friendly faces!

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Fayette Democrats

Fayette Democrats

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