Tish Naghise

Tish Naghise

GA State Rep. (D-68)

From Tish Naghise:

My name is Letitia Naghise (Tish). I have a BA in Political Science from Clayton State University and completed studies at Emory University to become a Certified Paralegal.

In addition, I am a Certified Fraud Examiner. I will complete my master’s degree in Strategic Leadership Development in 2023 from Clayton State University where I serve on the Alumni Advisory Board. I was appointed by State Court Judge Jason Thompson to serve on his Advisory Board for DUI/Drug and Veterans on January 1, 2022.

Tish Naghise’s Campaign Website

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Candidate Tish Naghise at a Fayetteville Meet and Greet


My journey as a Community Service Advocate began a long time ago during the re-election of President Jimmy Carter. For a while, I wasn’t heavily involved in politics other than encouraging family and friends to register and to vote. I resurfaced in politics after my parents passed away, my children were stable, my business was succeeding, and my husband understood that I had to get involved.
In 2008 there was a call to join the then-Senator from Illinois team for his bid to become the President. I was a Fellows Organizer. I was trained on how to create leaders and the importance of recruiting. As I grew in my role as a Fellow, I learned how to hold a phone bank, conduct a canvass, and register voters. From that position, I was selected as a Team Leader when a volunteer office opened in Fayette County.

The office in Fayette did well and we had over 200 active volunteers supporting our efforts in 2008. Our team was very organized and supported the Clayton County office. In the Presidential Election, Fayette County residents cast 47% of the vote for Senator Obama. We registered over 1,000 new voters in our county (new residents and change of addresses). The President sent me a personal thank you letter (not a stamped signature) for my efforts and encouraged me to keep up the good work. Working in the Staffed Volunteer National Campaign as the Staging Location Director (SLD), the President won Clayton County, and did better than expected in Fayette and Spalding Counties.

Candidate Tish Naghise canvassing in Tyrone, Georgia

In 2010, President Obama called on his most dedicated volunteers to help with the Affordable Health Care Act. We went to barber shops; beauty salons; made phone calls and knocked on some doors to have constituents to sign a petition to send to congress to pass the bill. As a result of our effort and all those signatures gathered, Congress finally passed the bill. I received a certificate from the White House for my leadership and support.
In 2016, I worked for the Democratic Party of Georgia(DPG) to elect Democrats all over the state. I was the Regional Field Director in the South Suburbs where Clayton County voter turnout went from 61% to 65% (85% for Hillary Clinton). It was the highest percentage per voter turnout in the State of Georgia.

I worked on “Jon Ossoff for Congress” as a Field Organizer in DeKalb County. My region was Tucker and it was the largest voter turnout in Dekalb County.
My latest venture was working with DPG as a Regional Field Director for the South Suburbs. We made history with the region exceeding expectations with voter turnout. Clayton County had 90,000 voters, with 85% for Democrats; Fayette flipped 2 voting precincts Blue and is the next county to turn Blue with 42% Democratic votes. Henry elected another Democratic Commissioner; Coweta and Spalding increased Democratic votes to 35%; and Rockdale and Newton remained Blue with record voter turnout.

Candidate Tish Naghise has knocked on thousands of doors throughout her life.

In 2019, I worked with Fair Count to ensure Georgia residents completed the 2020 U. S. Census. My hard work and determination ensured that my region of Metro Atlanta (22 counties) completed the census. As a result, my region had the highest return rate of the census with a median percentage of 70% for all 22 counties with Fayette having the highest completion rate.
My current position as the Engagement Organizer for Georgia Conservation Voters allows me to educate the community on climate change and how we need to preserve our planet.

Lastly, I was recently elected to lead as the Co-Chair of VP Al Gore’s Climate Reality Change of Atlanta.

Vote Tish Naghise to the Georgia State House!


  • 2013 Business Women of the Year
  • 2014 Women’s Leadership Award from State Senate
  • 2014 Ernie Broadwell Award for Leadership
  • 2016 Walker High School Civic Leadership Award
  • 2017 The Burlene Morrow Award


  • Fayette Councilman Joe Clark
  • Fayette School Board member Leonard Presberg
  • Former Georgia State Representative Virgil Fludd
  • Fayette Commissioner Charles Rousseau
  • Jon Kirkpatrick (Previous Henry County Democratic Party Chair)
  • Ed Barlow, President CWA (Communications Workers of America) Local 3204
  • Attorney Ronnie Mabra of the Mabra Law Firm
  • Fair Fight
  • Representative Derrick Jackson

Candidate Tish Naghise and her good friend Commissioner Charles Rousseau canvassing together to support Tish in the 2022 election.


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