Voter Registration Ends

Voter Registration Ends

27 Jul 2024
Online, By Mail, and at the Fayette County Elections Office
11:45 PM - 11:45 PM
This event has expired. Head to the "Events" page to see more!


Voter registration ends for in-person, online, and mail-in voting for the 2022 General Election on October 11th. Click here to quickly and easily register online while you still can!

Your rights are under attack this year. Don’t miss out on your chance to vote Democrat up and down the ballot. Send a message that one party cares about real people and the other governs in fantasy.

How to Register?

Electing Democrats: Georgia’s Qualifying Week

From the FCDC Political Action Committee — This week, March 4th to the 8th, is the qualifying period for Congressional, State, and local offices. If you wish to run at the federal or State level, you will qualify at the Secretary of State Office or with the Democratic Party of Georgia. If you are running […]

Don't Be Afraid to Show Up

Why wait until books are being banned in your libraries and schools? Work now to prevent an ever-growing radical coalition from taking over your local government. The time to Flip Fayette is now.

Every. Single. Person. Helps. We want to push our home over the edge and extend the blue borders of metro Atlanta further into the exurbs.

We don’t want a Marjorie Taylor Green type down in South Atlanta, so we have to put in the work NOW to prevent something like that from ever happening.


Let's turn Georgia Blue!

Why Get Involved?

Fayette County has grown so Democratic over the last 15 years that it now sits a coinflip. We have a chance to flip BLUE for the first time since the era of Dixiecrats, this time as a party working to protect the rights of everybody. There’s only one group left in local politics that governs in reality, and it’s not them.

Fayette County – 2000 Election
Gore 28.06%
Bush 69.11%
Fayette County – 2020 Election
Biden 45.9%
Trump 52.7%
Be the Straw that Breaks the Camel’s Back!